Gears of Babies

Gears of Babies

The game Gears of Babies is a third-person shooter. Play as Nick, a baby, and go out and buy some milk and diapers in a country where the baby formula crisis is getting worse. Babies are sick and tired of waiting for a clean diaper or their much-desired warm milk, and you've resolved to do everything in your power to ensure that they have what they need.

How to play

You want to buy some milk and diapers in a country where the infant formula crisis is getting worse. Run through a 3D world filled with armed troops. Move forward with confidence as you look for food and diapers for yourself and your buddies. Use your rifle with all of your might and shoot everyone who tries to stand in your way!


  • Beautiful and bright surroundings.
  • A simple and entertaining story.
  • The graphics are stunning, and the performance on older PCs is excellent.
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